Thursday, March 29, 2012

I Just Graduated from College: How Do I Prepare for a Career Ahead?

Graduating from college is both an exciting and anxiety-filled time for students. It’s actually a relief for some to wear their robe for graduation and graduation hood because they won’t have to deal with homework, essays, college professors and research papers anymore. Getting that all-important college diploma is definitely an accomplishment by itself.

However, being out of the university also means that you become a full-fledged adult. Along with this phase in your life come the responsibilities of living your own life outside of school and your parent’s wings. You can consider it both as a challenge and a blessing. As long as you know how to prepare for a career that you will build ahead of you, then you should be able to accomplish your goals after your college graduation.

Career Preparation Tips for Fresh College Graduates

To get you started on the right track, here are a few things that you need to keep in mind when preparing for a career after graduating from college:
·         Be prepared to get accepted for entry-level jobs.
While you are sending out your resumes, keep in mind that even if you graduated summa cum laude, you still would have to start at the bottom of the corporate ladder. No matter how stellar your academic achievements are, you are still inexperienced in the real world. Before you can even think about getting promoted or being voted as CEO of a company, you naturally need to get accepted for a job position first – and entry level is always the way to go.

·         Increase your network of professional contacts.
No matter what industry it is that you are in, it always pays to increase your network of professional contacts. These are the individuals who you’ll never know might be able to help give your career a boost in the future.

·         Grab the opportunity to expand your experience.
You really cannot apply for a job position which requires experience until you actually obtain that experience. Attend as many trainings, skills improvement sessions and everything else that will help give your resume a boost. The more valuable your skills are, the more you can contribute towards the improvement of a company.

·         Make plans, but be flexible with them.
You might have a ten-year career plan which you have always wanted to follow. It is perfectly fine to have such plans for the future but when something better comes along, make sure that you can go with the flow and adapt to the situation.

·         Don’t easily get frustrated.
One of the biggest challenges that you will face as a fresh college graduate is competing with other new graduates. The competition in the job market is quite stiff, so prepare for rejections and plenty of disappointments. Remember that it is experiences like these which will make you grow stronger as a person, and prepare you for your trip up the corporate ladder once you start building a professional career for yourself after your college graduation.

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