Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Alabama Graduation Diplomas Options

For the children who attend the educational facilities provided by the state of Alabama there is actually more than one type of graduation diplomas they can earn throughout their courses of study. All of these types will allow them to walk with their classmates on the night of graduation wearing the typical garb of a robe, a mortar board cap, and graduation tassels. The big difference is that some of the students will take classes that are designed to better prepare them for the continuation of their education and some of the students will even be preparing to attend tech school after they have completed their high school years.
In Alabama in order to be able to walk with the class and get that piece of paper saying you have finished your public education requirements a person must have a total of twenty four class credits. This is the standard amount for the regular student. If a pupil has enrolled in the classes and the study plan that will prepare them to go to college with a more advanced amount of knowledge then the number of credits they are required to have will increase. The additional numbers are decided by the different school boards in the separate districts.
The credits that these individuals must obtain in order to get the standard diploma are divided into different subjects. They must have a total of twenty four credits but four of those credits must be earned in English classes, and four of those credits will need to be from math classes, and then they will also need four of them to have been earned taking science classes, and another four will need to come from the social studies curriculum.  To finish off the required twenty four the student will need one half of a credit in the courses of health, and computer application, and the study of the arts. Then they are required to have five and one half credits awarded to them for their studies from extracurricular activities.
The students will also be required to pass exams in the core subjects of math, and science, and social studies, and reading, as well as one in language. In the future the children enrolled in the Alabama public school system will be required to take an online course and pass it. This requirement will not go into effect until the year 2013.
When the young scholar has taken the advanced courses they will need two of their credits for their extracurricular studies to be in foreign languages. One of the ones they need for their math will have to be issued from Algebra II or form trigonometry. Their science requirements will make them have to have passed a class in either chemistry or physics. These diplomas are harder to earn and the pupil will need to apply themselves more but they will better prepare them to attend the university.
The other two types of diplomas available require all of the same things as above but the extracurricular classes have to be tech or industry related.

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